Od 7 do 11 września uczniowie naszej szkoły brali udział w obozie językowym w Długopolu Zdroju, niedaleko Kłodzka.
Zajęcia prowadzone przez wolontariuszy z Azerbejdżanu i Kirgistanu były wspaniałą okazją do zabawy i nauki języka angielskiego. Poprzez pracę w grupach, tworzenie prezentacji, pokazy talentówi dyskusje uczniowie poznali siebie nawzajem, zintegrowali się, a nawet ujawnili skrywane dotąd talenty. Niezwykle ważna była możliwość komunikacji z wolontariuszami, którzy używali tylko języka angielskiego. Oto wrażenia uczestników wycieczki:
“Language camp Euroweek was amazing. It was nice to meet volunteers from Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan. The lessons with them were interesting and always energetic” Weronika and Kaja
“At Euroweek I enjoyed the most Outdoor Games and Talent Show. The volunteers were very nice and they had a lot of energy. I liked them very much!!! I would like to go to Długopole and learn English in that way again.” Milena and Natasza
“This school trip was the best of all!! The volunteers taught us English and showed funny games. We were surprised that they were fond of dancing. They were dancing all the time. The food in Silesia Hotel was delicious. The best activities were outside. We had fun.” Franek and Filip
“We liked all games. Volunteers were cool. They spoke only English and they were always smiling. We could our English and we learned a lot.” Eliza and Michalina
“We didn’t use any books.We didn’t make any notes. We had a lot of interesting activities: talent show, outside games, fashion show, acting. We enjoyed them. The volunteers were creative, energetic, nice, patient and for sure we want to go there again”. Wiktoria and Karolina